
E4F guidelines are meant to promote the uptake of project results and deliverables beyond the scope of the partnership and the scale of the project beyond its geographical and temporal limits to have an impacto on the needs of both primary and secondary beneficiaries. The Guidelines for Uptake serve to mainstream and sustain project results after the end of the co-funding from Erasmus+.

Moreover, the consortium will also develop guidelines to enrich public policy and enhance measures to boost Extra EU- Export opportunities for female entrepreneurs with concrete training solutions to enhance their local businesses competitiveness far beyond EU borders – especially for those within fashion, food and handicraft markets. The E4F Policy Paper is the document collecting all the lessons learned acquired at implementation and consolidating the wealth of knowledge on the dynamics of internationalisation, strategic management and female entrepreneurship within the VET environments and from dedicated operational dimensions. The Guidelines for Uptake will outline the lessons learned from the perspective of what worked and what could have been improved on the basis of the execution and deployment of the E4F training

E4F Public Policy Report
Operational Guidelines