Regional Development Agency of Northern Primorska Ltd. Nova Gorica is located in Goriška region of West Slovenia. RDA was established by 6 municipalities in 1999 in order to unite all local, regional and national potentials and to realize development projects financed with national and international resources. The RDA covers an area of 6 municipalities, with 60.000 inhabitants. The administrative center of the region is Nova Gorica.
THE MISSION OF RDA OF NORTHERN PRIMORSKA is to stimulate development in economic, social, environmental and spatial area in Goriška statistical region; to prepare and implement Regional Development Program and other joint development programs; to gain national and international financing resources; to advise, stimulate and support local entrepreneurship.
The RDA is active in different fields of work:
Local Business Centre stimulates development in SMEs and promotes innovative activities including new technologies in different fields;
Department for Regional Development and International Cooperation, which takes care of sustainable development in Goriška statistical region;
Project Office, which takes care of constant information to all target groups;
Department for Rural Development encourages the development of the countryside, seeks partnerships for implementation of developmental initiatives and takes care of the preparation and implementation of local developmental strategies.